A Quick Look-Back Before We Bid 2016 Adieu

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The new year is just a few minutes away, and I can't help but look back and be somewhat anxious of what to expect as the clock hits 12 this midnight.

The past 3 years was completely a rollercoaster ride, and all I can do is hope for something better.
When 2015 was about to end, all I felt was a relief and eagerness to start the new year because I was certain that something good is on it's way.

On February 25th of 2016, I gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. Like any new moms, it was a struggle at first, but soon enough you get the hang of it. With big thanks to my mom and grandmother who up until now guides and helps me.

My little girl was the first of many blessings I received this year, and I could not be any more grateful for having her.

With everything that happened these past few years, I am eternally grateful for having Christ in my life. I may have drifted several times, but whenever I start to lose myself with earthly things, he always finds me and draws me back closer to him.
He never gave up on me, no matter how many times I allowed myself to get caught with distractions and no matter how many times I gave up on myself. He was always there.

My 6 and 8pm Victory Fort Ushering Ministry co-volunteers played a big role in helping me get back on my feet. I admit that I was a big mess last year, and kept distance to most people. Not everyone may know, but I literally had to force myself to smile in front of others countless times. One reason why I believed I've hit rockbottom, because never in my life have I acted like that, until last year.
My co-volunteers kept checking up on me and kept praying for me, which I really appreciated. Thank you for never losing faith in me.

This coming 2017, I don't know what to expect since 2016 has already been amazing. They say find a job where you can do what you love, that it won't feel like work. I landed the position I applied for almost 4 years ago, met new people along the way, and felt overflowing joy with all the goodness that is surrounding me.

To wrap it up, this year has been the best year in my adulthood and I won't let it pass without sharing my top 6 learnings for 2016:

1. There are a lot of challenges along the way, but with every bump, we need to get up, and force
    ourselves if we have to.

2. Hoping for something good is not bad, it gives you something to work for and look forward to.

3. Having a few friends that you can count on is so much better than having a hundred that can't even
    tell when you're not okay.

4. No one can really help you, but yourself. People can do their best to help you, but if you don't help
    yourself, then it's pointless.

5. It's okay to distance yourself from the world once in a while, but don't over do it.

6. Pray and listen. Build a spiritual relationship with the father and talk to him, not just about you're
    requests, but take time to give praise as well. Listen to his words, and you just might be surprised.
    I hope you find those enlightening, and help you as it helped me. Now, in an hour and ten minutes,
    2017 will be saying Hello to all of us.

Time to get ready and wake up those family members and friends who are sleeping.

Thank you for taking the time reading this post,