
19:46 Unknown 0 Comments

Here is a basic overview of what I have been doing for the past 8 years. So I graduated a Bachelor degree in Nursing, worked as an ice skating coach during my first 3 years in college. Got my PRC license after passing the board exam last December 22 & 23, 2011, and got offered a job in Citigroup (Citibank) as a Credit Specialist admin last May 21, 2012.

When it comes to my bachelor degree, people have been asking me if I have plans of pursuing it or what my plans are; here is a straightforward answer, I enjoyed it, yes. Plans of pursuing it? Nope.
Unless if my folks agree for me to continue to med school or take a masteral in special education.

In between those years, I've tried blogging, ranting my heart out when Multiply was still active.
Wanted to start a new one after it got deactivated, but I never found the time since I was busy socializing (lol). 

Now, that I've landed my dream job (that I've applied for 3 years ago but got rejected, because of my bachelor degree) I finally got the time to this, and also working for a blog advertising company is a plus. *wink*. Buuut, from working in a bank (but office based, since it's an Australian account) that has became my comfort zone, shifting to a new career path really daunted me. It's no joke when finances are at stake, Haha

I got torn in between, want and need. What helped me, was a  couple of blogs that I've read the last couple of years. They had to let go of the corporate world, for a more satisfying one, the one that included their hobbies, passions which are interrelated to happiness. No one really understood what I meant, Until I read Gretchen Rubin's Happiness Project which helped me be the happiest person that I can be.

Yes, you can work and get a good pay but not be truly happy. A job title, a position, a company or management that wears you out. A job that would make you feel like a robot more that a free spirited individual looking forward to go to work, except when it comes to your payslip.

I 've had the same experience, day after day for the past 2 and a half years. Had a panic attack when it got to me that i'm getting older and i'm going nowhere, losing my streak, being consumed by my comfort zone, and feeling stuck. So I had to choose, would I still want to get that payslip that somewhat satisfies my hands spending; compensating just to get through the day to feel feel happy but still feel like robot, forced to get up everyday and regret wasting my time in my comfort zone but not getting anywhere or accept the job that would encourage me to push through my limits, express myself, aim for success, be consumed by a happy environment, enjoy everyday and be spontaneous but would have to be crazily thrifty for once just to fulfill my happiness?