My Fitness Essentials
Aiming for a fit lifestyle doesn't really require much, all you really need is to give it time. We tend to stall our workout, thinking that we will always have the time, the thing is, the time is NOW.
You may not see visible results right after your afternoon run, but with commitment and discipline, you will.
Just like the ever famous saying "You reap what you sow".
A few months ago, it finally dawned on me how weak I've gotten since I've been on hiatus on both Ultimate Frisbee and Ice Hockey. My endurance drastically changed, and I became uncomfortable in my own skin. That's when I decided it's time to get my sexy back. Haha!
Just in case you want a reference, here is my (almost) weekly routine and essentials:
HIIT Cardio and strengthening:
- High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) is perfect for people who have limited time and can't spend hours of workout. It increases your metabolism and endurance, while burning calories and strengthening your muscles. Even with a short amount of time, it is said to burn more calories. Progress is more achievable with a 15-20 minutes of Interval training, than spending an hour of steady pace run.
The best thing with HIIT, is the fact that you can do it anywhere! You don't need equipment!
1. Comfy workout clothes
2. Sports bra - A definite essential for women (but this is the first and last time I will mention it here, to avoid overusage of the word "bra" in one write up. Haha)
3. Full support socks
4. Trusty rubbershoes
5. Nalgene water bottle/any water bottle

Barre in PlanaForma
- More focused on areas, such as arms, abs, seat/buttocks and thighs using ones own bodyweight as the point of resistance. They work the muscles to the point of exhaustion then stretch them to create those long and lean muscles we all desire.
One thing I love with having an instructor, is that they really push you to your limit, and they do correct you when they see that something is wrong with your form and/or movement, that sometimes we are unaware of.
1. Comfy workout clothes
2. Non slip socks
3. Bottled water
Ultimate Frisbee:
This is more than just throwing discs to your dogs. To be highly effective, you need speed, endurance, agility and smart play. If you are interested to try the sport, I will surely support you on that!
1. Loose Dri-Fit jersey - I personally prefer loose jerseys, for maximum movement.
2. Frisbee shorts
3. Kinesiology tape - I've started using ankle support after I got sprained during one training, and since then my ankle got a little lose and it started hurting whenever I do sprints or jumps. My aunt gave me numerous boxes of kinesiology tape, just when I lost my ankle support (due to carelessness haha)
4. Cap - During daytime trainings/games
5. Socks
6. Cleats/Football shoes
7. Nalgene water bottle/any water bottle
8. Frisbee disc
(Note: Do not drink ice-cold water right after an intense workout, as experts say that it can cause a shock to your internal organs and digestive system, since our body temperature is warmer at that time.)
Like other people, I like tracking my progress both through performance and physique. With performance, you will notice if your usual workout routine seems to be more bearable than before, that's when you add a level of difficulty to the workout. For example, you got used to planking for 1 minute, the next time you do it, make it harder by pushing it to 2 minutes.
When it comes to physique, it's easier to track your progress by compiling photos, because you can actually see the improvements. Just make sure to take photos exactly the same way, angle and position with your previous ones. Along with this, make sure to use a decent camera that you can rely on, just like Oppo F3 #SelfieExpert. Since seeing is believing, what better way to inspire other people but by showing them? 😉